Spirit Halima

Tonight, I talk with Spirit Halima about connecting with your Avatar or Higher Self.


Discussion with Spirit Halima of Envisions, how to create your Avatar and align with your Highest Self.

Insight into how you can design, create, and envision the Higher Self to manifest what you truly desire.

An Avatar means descent, a divine entity descending to Earth – a God or Goddess.

Avatars are used in social media and virtual reality.

That’s what we must do – design ourselves from the inside out.

  • Who do we want around us? That takes focus and attention.
  • What was not working for us in 2017?
  • Do your spiritual accounting about how you used your energy, focus, and will. What did you do to thrive?
  • What activities were sucking up your energy and not life-affirming?

The 17-year cycle is closing. Journaling can be free writing, gratitude journaling, or doing it to affect a shift in you. Write the story that you really want to live. Be aware of not letting your present-day circumstances to dictate your mood. Move from survival mood to raising your energy level. Tap into your Higher Self.

When we are born and begin to walk and talk, we are never told that we have authority over ourselves. Our responsibility is to get the highest knowledge for ourselves and our children. Question everything and put the seeds into our children’s minds that they are Gods and Goddesses. They are the first book they must know!

When you relinquish authority, you don’t see yourself as a creator, creatrix. Idolizing celebrities, while ignoring your own divinity is a mistake.

How do you live your life energy to solve other people’s problems – people you don’t even know?

Why would you use Disney to entertain your children instead of teaching them to create entertainment for themselves.  The most important law is to KNOW THYSELF.

You must feel that your inherent worth is precious.  Do not make others responsible for your life. Every person is different. Connect with your own energy. Act against the paradigm. See how your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are limited and not serving you.

Women dedicate their lives to their husband and children and when they leave her, they go to Jesus and church. Women must learn to live life for themselves and their children will appreciate that they live a fearless life. Connect with your desire and your children will see that it’s not acceptable to leave your dreams unfulfilled. Avoid being the wounded feminine.


  • Feminine is a beautiful force, determining how and why your receive. She is the ultimate nurturer with compassion and wisdom. She is intuitive. But she is also the eye of the storm that communicates with nature around herself. The wounded feminine is celebrated in the Western culture. She does not feel that she is enough. She does not feel her inherent worth. She follows trends rather than her own heart. The empowered feminine knows that she is beautiful. She will shut down industries that feed off of her insecurities. She does not struggle to fulfill her desires.
  • Men suffer from the wounded feminine within himself. Masculine is mind. The masculine determines what you receive and what you receive. It is clarity, focus, and how you handle power. Men have their mother issues. Money factors into his insecurity. Men may say ‘yes’ when they mean ‘no. The empowered masculine evokes strong decisions.

Sexual harassment in the media might be more manipulation than truth. But males suffer from rejection. Women must transform themselves to activate their own masculine energy. Women in India used their empowered masculinity to punish men that commit sexual harassment. They are known as the Gupalongi (sp).

Halima’s vision is that we return to respect, honesty, and love. In the cosmos, male and female are ONE. Here on Earth, we must learn to be vulnerable to access your own wisdom and self-correct. That is a powerful shift. The program running in our lives makes us compete with and prey upon one another rather than appreciate the beauty of men and women. We do not see masculine and feminine celebrated in the media. We only see the wounded entities. We must return to integrity and honesty instead of being attached and addicted to human drama.

Thank you, Spirit Halima for sharing your insights with us. We will talk again in January!

Love, Peace, Truth, Freedom, and Justice,
